This five-minute survey is intended to assist you and your company in assessing risk associated with operating a portion of the bulk power system. It provides tips on how to address some of the hazards and information about training and tools to improve your employees' performance.
If your company has a definition of operating error, you may use it in the context of your answers. If you don't have a definition, consider an operating error as an action or omission in operation, maintenance, or planning that results in:
Do your employees perform switching on the transmission or distribution system?
How many of these functions do your operators/staff perform?
Do you track operating errors?
Do you track near misses?
How many operating errors has your company or group experienced in the past three years? Remember, for this survey, the definition of an error is an action or omission in operation, maintenance or planning that results in injury, equipment damage, loss of load, or significant financial loss.
Have your staff received human performance training as it applies to grid operations?
Which best describes your team's typical workweek?
If your operators are on rotating shift, have they received training related to staying healthy, alert, and rested while on shift?
Do you have a documented cause analysis process for errors and near misses?
Are you experiencing or expect to experience increased personnel turnover?