Do you wish you had time to read ALL the Federal OSHA regulations? That you knew every single mention of required training in the regulations?
Take that off your wish-list. We’ve done it for you!
We’ve built a safety training assessment based on every mention of training in the 1910 General Industry, 1926 Construction, 1915 & 1917-18 Maritime, and 1928 Agriculture standards.
Fill out the form on the right, answer a series of questions specific to your worksite (that align with OSHA training requirements), and download your customized report.
Download a sample report
This training assessment consists of a series of yes/no questions which align with each of the federal OSHA training requirements.
The pages are organized by more common industries/regulations (ex. Emergency plans) to more specific and unique (ex. Maritime). Be sure to review each question before skipping or answering “no”.
We’ve added a few key training topics for which Federal OSHA doesn’t have a standard, yet many state OSHA plans do or they are industry best practices.
When you are finished with the assessment, you’ll get a printable report listing the OSHA training topic for which you will need to train your employees. The regulation(s) associated with each topic will be listed as well as the training frequency federal OSHA states is required.
You can complete this assessment for your entire organization or for a specific location or department, take it as many times as you’d like. You will be able to download your reports each time you finish/submit an assessment, and provide them to the appropriate personnel at your organization.
Any questions or feedback, please contact
Please review this page carefully, it is likely most if not all questions pertain to your workplace.
Do you have fire extinguishers available for employee use?
Do your workers know how to safely evacuate in a fire or other emergency?
Could your workforce ever face the possibility of fire, chemical release, natural disaster, violent incident or other workplace emergency?
Do workers render first aid when needed and/or is it required within their job duties?
Are workers expected to perform CPR when needed and/or is it required within their job duties? (your workplace might also have AED access)
Do you have employees who would benefit from learning violence prevention strategies?
Do you have a designated team (fire brigade) to respond to fires in your facility?
Please review this page carefully, it is likely most if not all questions pertain to your workplace.
Do you have employees who wear any or all of the following equipment at any point during their work-year? Safety glasses, goggles, face shields, hard hats, foot protection, gloves, body harness, or any other protective gear?
Do any of your employees wear a respirator (filtering or air-supplied) at any point during a workday or throughout a year?
Tip: a respirator is any mask over the nose and mouth with two-straps behind the head. Even a dust mask if it has two straps. Face masks and face coverings, even with ear loops, don't apply.
This page contains questions that address Chemical Hazards and Toxic Substances. Please review the questions on this page carefully before advancing to the next page, it is likely some questions pertain to your workplace.
Do your employees work with hazardous substances such as chemicals, chemical by-products, medications or vaccines? (including cleaning supplies)
Do any of your employees work with, in or near decaying organic matter such sludge, liquid manure, or in sewers, confined spaces, or waste water treatment? (potential hydrogen sulfide contact)
Do you have employees who add chlorine in liquid or powder form to any of your processes at any point during a year?
To your knowledge, does your work environment contain any asbestos whether in good condition (non-friable) or not (friable)?
Do you have employees who do any of the following types of work that could expose them to lead? Painting, sand-blasting, soldering, metal cutting, demolition, welding, furniture refinishing, battery repair, bridge or water tower painting
Do you have employees who work with formaldehyde or formalin in any manner?
Do you have employees in coal-tar production or who work in a coking plant where they are exposed to coke oven emissions?
Do employees come into contact with any of the following 13 Carcinogenic substances:
Please review the questions below and click next if none apply to your worksite
Do you have any employees who are NOT electricians performing any minor electrical work including changing out parts on machines, locking-out equipment or operating an electrical cabinet or disconnect?
Do you have employees qualified to do electrical work with 600 volts or less? (NFPA 70E regulation)
Please review the questions on this page carefully before advancing to the next page, it is likely these questions pertain to your workplace.
Do you have employees who work from heights or are exposed to falls? (for example, on scaffolds, ladders, from heights or other uneven surfaces)
Do you have employees who work from stairways and/or ladders? (includes mobile stairs)
Do any of your employees work from an elevated work platform such as an aerial lift, scissor lift, manlift, JLG, or Lull lift?
Please review the questions on this page carefully before advancing, it is likely some of these questions pertain to your workplace and many are best practices to reduce injury/death.
Do you have energized (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, gravity, fuel, etc.) equipment which needs to be serviced, repaired, re-tooled, or cleaned and do your employees perform those duties? (lockout tagout)
Do any of your employees ever enter tanks, pits, vats, bins, boilers, vessels, excavations, sewers or other spaces not intended for continuous human occupancy? (confined space)
Tip: “Enter” means placing any or all body parts into the space.
Are there signs, labels or tags in your workplace that provide instructions or safety warnings to employees?
Do you have any employees who work in extreme cold temperatures, indoors or outdoors?
Do you have any employees who work in extreme heat temperatures, indoors or outdoors?
Do your company's facilities or buildings contain possible indoor airborne contaminants? (ex. mold, dust, chemicals, viruses)
Are your employees exposed to radiation (both ionizing and nonionizing)?
Examples include: x-ray, infrared, radio frequency, ultraviolet.
Do you have employees who work over or near water?
Please review the questions below, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click next if none apply to your worksite
Do you have employees who operate forklifts daily or sporadically? (Powered Industrial Trucks includes pallet jacks, pickers, reach trucks, or other material handling equipment)
Do you have employees who drive non-commercial vehicles as part of their work?
Do you have commercial motor vehicle drivers?
Do you have workers who operate overhead or gantry cranes or assist in their operation as a spotter or member of a lifting crew?
Do your workers rig loads moved by mobile, overhead, or gantry cranes? (material handling-slings)
Do you have employees who are responsible for DOT placards and labels on shipping containers, vehicles, and packages?
Do you have employees who service tires and/or wheels?
Occupational noise exposure applies to most industries, please answer the following:
Do any of your employees wear ear plugs or ear muffs? Or are they exposed to 85 decibels or greater of noise for 8 hours at a time or higher noise levels but for shorter durations?
Tip: 85 decibels usually means you have to raise your voice to be heard when standing arms-distance from someone in order to be heard.
Please review the questions below and click next if none apply to your worksite.
Do any of your employees have exposure to human blood, body fluids or other potentially infectious human materials as part of their job duties?
Do your employees work in areas where they have close contact with other workers or exposure to COVID-19?
Please review the questions on this page carefully before advancing to the next page, it is likely some questions pertain to your workplace.
Do you have employees who use hand tools or powered hand tools (ex. hammers, saws, drills)?
Do you have machines with potential hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks?
Do you have workers who are machine operators or metal fabricators and/or use a punch press or mechanical power press?
Do have employees who operate forging machines in the manufacture of metal parts?
Do you have employees who operate commercial laundry equipment?
Welding/Hot Work applies to many industries, please answer the following:
Do you have employees who do any type of welding, cutting or brazing, either daily or sporadically?
Please review the questions on this page carefully before advancing to the next page, it is likely some questions pertain to your workplace.
Do you have employees who install, remove, operate or maintain compressed gas cylinders, canisters or operate pressurized valves?
Do any of your employees work with, move, store, or dispose of flammable liquids?
Do you have employees who work at hazardous waste clean-up sites?
Does your company have 10,000 pounds or more of flammable gas or liquid?
Please review the questions on this page carefully, it is likely most, if not all, pertain to your workplace.
Do you have any employees who lift and handle products, people, animals, or industrial laundry?
Do you have workers in an office environment who sit or stand at work stations for long periods of time?
Do you have employees who perform repetitive tasks such as line, assembly, or packaging work? Tip: Common in factories, health care, and food processing.
Please review the questions on this page carefully before clicking next, it is likely these questions pertain to your workplace as they are considered a best practice for reducing injury/death.
Would any of your employees benefit from understanding how to model and reinforce safe work practices to other employees?
Do you have employees who are tasked with performing safety audits or inspections?
Do employees come into contact with any of the following substances:
Hexavalent Chromium Hazards (often found in carbon and stainless steel welding, foundries and steel mills, electroplating and wet cement work)
Ammonia (often found in fertilizers, agriculture, commercial refrigeration)
Respirable crystalline silica (often found cutting, grinding, etc. concrete, brick, block, stone, mortar)
Fumigants, pesticides, insecticides, and hazardous preservatives
Cadmium (often found in batteries, solar cells, electroplating, soldering industries)
Vinyl chloride (often found in PVC processing)
Benzene (often found in steel and rubber manufacturing, printing, gas stations)
Beryllium (often found in foundries, abrasive blasters, metal fabricators)
Inorganic arsenic (often found in mining, e-waste recycling, smelting, glass manufacturing, agriculture)
Cotton dust (often found in textile industries, cotton and flax mills)
Please review the questions on this page carefully before clicking the next button. Even if you don't consider yourself construction, some situations might pertain to your workplace.
Do you have employees who work from heights or are exposed to falls?
Do you have employees who work from stairways and/or use ladders of any type to perform their work duties?
Do you have workers who assemble, dismantle, inspect or perform work on a scaffold?
Do you have employees who wear any or all of the following equipment at any point during their work-year? Safety glasses, goggles, face shields, hard hats, foot protection, gloves, body harness, or any other protective gear/PPE?
Do you have workers who engage in excavating and trenching activities?
Do you have employees who do any type of welding, cutting or brazing, either daily or sporadically?
Does your organization use cranes and derricks for lifting and moving products and materials?
Do you have employees who are on the ground, in communication with crane operators while picking and landing loads? (crane and hoist signaling)
Do you your workers operate, in, or near traffic that requires traffic control (including a flagger)?
Do you have employees who work with cast-in-place concrete, pre-cast concrete, lift-slab operations, and/or masonry construction?
Do you have employees engaged in structural steel work (examples include: erecting, hoisting, bracing, rigging, connecting).
Do you have employees who are exposed to gases, vapors, fumes, dusts or mists as a byproduct of their work (examples include: welding, cutting, grinding, working with chemicals)?
Do any of your employees work with, move, store, or dispose of flammable liquids, gases, or toxic materials?
Do your employees use explosives and blasting agents in their work duties?
Do you have employees engaged in the construction of underground tunnels, shafts, chambers or passageways, and/or working in compressed air environments?
Please review the questions below and click next if none apply to your worksite.
Do you have a lab or labs in your facilities? Or personnel who work in a laboratory settings (ex. research and development department)
Do you have employees who work in labs with toxic and hazardous substances as defined by OSHA in CFR 1910 Subpart Z (Toxic and Hazardous Substances)?
Please review the questions below and click next if none apply to your worksite.
Do you have employees who work at telecommunications centers or field installations and engage in installation, maintenance or operations work? (note: a call center is not a telecommunications center)
Do you employ qualified electrical workers (QEW) who operate and maintain electric power generation, control, transformation, transmission, and distribution lines and equipment?
Do your employees work in a grain elevator or other grain handling facility?
Do you have employees who operate agricultural or industrial tractors?
Do you have machines with potential hazards such as those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, power take-off shafts, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks? (farm field equipment, farmstead equipment, and cotton gins)
Are your employees engaged in logging, timber harvesting, or harvesting of other forest products?
Do you have a designated dive team? (applies to commercial diving operations)
Please review the questions below and click next if none apply to your worksite.
Do you have energized (electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, gravity, fuel, etc.) equipment which needs to be serviced, repaired, re-tooled, or cleaned and do your employees perform those duties in a Maritime setting? (lockout tagout)
Do your employees wear body belts as a positioning device?
Do you have employees who use air receivers/air compressor tank or other unfired pressure vessels?
Congratulations, your assessment is complete!
Don’t forget to click the “Submit & Download Report” button in the lower right corner of your screen to save a copy! This will trigger the email to your with a link to the report.
Having trouble viewing your report?
If you are unable to click the submit button or view your results, I could be your company's firewall/security settings. If the results are viewable on the screen, go to your browser menu and selected "print" or hold the CTRL key and hit the letter P. There should be a "Save to PDF" option in your print menu.
If you can't view the results and/or the print option doesn't work for you, feel free to Contact Us and we will have one of our Safety associates walk through this on the phone for you.
Information about your report:
We understand that even experienced EHS and safety professionals have difficulty aligning employees with the right training for compliance.
This survey tool was created to help you connect the dots between your workforce training program, OSHA regulations, and safety training best practices. We hope it can help you strengthen your case for a better safety training program.
This report contains every question that applies to your worksite, including information about the regulation, the regulation number to look up on the website, training frequency, and applicable HSI courses that can help you meet that training requirement. The list of HSI courses is intended to help by providing a selection, not implying every course is mandatory.
You can complete as many safety training assessments as you like, often EHS professionals will fill one out for each location or division in order to create a customized, specific report. You can send the link to managers and supervisors to complete!