Hand and Power Tool Safety Overview

Learning objectives

  • Recognize the hazards of using hand and power tools and the work practices that will help you use them safely.
  • Identify the hazards of electric and battery powered tools and the work practices that will help you use them safely.

Course overview

This course will introduce the hazards associated with hand and power tool use and the actions you can take to reduce your risk of hand and power tool-related accidents and injuries. Completing this course does not qualify or authorize you to operate a specific tool.

Target Audience:

The primary audience for this course is workers who routinely or incidentally use hand and power tools at work.

  • 8 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
Course Outline
  • Hand and Power Tool Safety Overview
  • 29 CFR 1910 Subpart P, 1910.241, 1910.242, 1910.243, 1910.244
  • 29 CFR 1926 Subpart I
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