Eye Injuries: Response for EMS (v2)

Course overview

An injury to the eye is a potentially life-changing event. When an eye injury triggers an EMS response, EMS providers are in a position to help reduce the chance of permanent eye damage by prompt recognition, assessment, treatment, and transport.

The Eye Injuries: Response for EMS course focuses on:

  • Key anatomical structures of the eye
  • Types of eye injuries including open globe injuries, visible foreign body or foreign body sensation without evidence of globe rupture, poison or chemical exposure, burns, pupils of unequal size (anisocoria), hyphema, ocular compartment syndrome, and red eye without pain.
  • Performing an eye injury assessment, including function tests and assessing for aggravating factors
  • How to irrigate and protect an injured eye
  • Proper transport techniques and best practices to mitigate further damage

The course features Laurie A. Romig, MD, FACEP, BC-EMS, EMS Medical Direction and Education Consultant, St. Petersburg, FL.

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