Industrial Skills Training

Who Needs Industrial Skills Training?

Skilled workers are retiring faster than the next generation’s ability to fill those roles.

Whether you require system operators, qualified electric workers, maintenance workers, or other experienced individuals, getting and keeping them trained is critical to keeping your systems moving forward.

HSI's Industrial Skills solutions prepare employees quickly and effectively, providing a single training source for industries relying on general process facilities:

  • Oil and gas production
  • Utilities
  • Pulp and paper manufacturing
  • Food manufacturing
  • Other industries
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Mechanical Industrial Skills Training

How Can Industrial Skills Training Help You?

Whether you’re looking for off-the-shelf training to address a specific gap in your training program or need help building custom training specific to your company, we've assembled a team of experts to meet your needs. Our training is delivered with the flexibility to meet your needs through online and instructor-led training. All industrial skills online training courses can be provided on a range of mobile devices, while instructor-led training can be delivered on-site or through online distance learning.

Our custom development services include SMEs, instructional designers, and 3D animators with the technical knowledge and experience to develop training specific to your needs.

Renewable Energy Training

How Can Industrial Skills Services Help You?

Regardless of your training goals, you need an effective training program to keep employees safe and productive. Our experts can help you review and evaluate your program to make sure you’re giving your personnel the training and tools to increase reliability, reduce risk, and maximize your employee’s potential.

Our NERC compliance services focus on guiding our clients toward an organizational culture of compliance and identifying practices to increase reliability.

Training and Compliance Advisory Services

One Solution: HSI

HSI provides one solution. In addition to Industrial Skills training and services, HSI offers training, safety management, and compliance solutions for businesses of all sizes. Our combination of technology and content solutions help safety, human resources, and operations leaders train and develop their workforce, keep workers safe and meet regulatory and operational compliance requirements.

Our services include:

CPR and Emergency Care Training

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