Safety Meetings Management

Schedule, manage, and track safety meeting outcomes and follow-ups

Effortless scheduling and management of meetings, including attendance tracking, meeting activity measurement and tracking follow-up actions.

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Safety Meeting Management – HSI Key Differentiators

Change Culture and Engagement

Safety Meetings

Ensure accountability by designating actionable items from meetings, with the option to include sign-off procedures for meeting attendees. Distribute pre-reads, publish agendas and collaborate on minutes from previous meetings to drive efficiency and effective safety meeting culture.

Reduce Administrative Burden

Safety meeting management software

Single-source of truth for project teams and committees that meet during the course of project planning and execution. Host various meeting formats at the desired cadence, record personnel attendance or absence, and issue alerts to remind stakeholders of upcoming meetings or deliverables.

Assess Real-Time Data

Access Real-Time Data

Easily configurable, no-code architecture, workers define the data that is surfaced on their role-specific dashboard. Get immediate visibility to mission-critical data such as expired certifications and licenses and bring them to a manageable level.

Keep Your Project Risk-Free and in Compliance

Project Management

Track and monitor critical project risk assessments with automated workflows to ensure your project is in compliance with regulatory requirements. From a dashboard view quickly view the completion status of each assessment highlighting that are overdue or out of compliance. If a critical risk assessment is out of compliance, notifications are sent out to appropriate personnel to take corrective action.

Link Other Solutions for Actionable Insights

Safety Meetings

Link seamlessly with the broader module suite within the universal ecosystem. For example, Incident Management to track incidents or near-misses that occur on site and Contractor Management to ensure your contractors are compliant while on the job site.

Ensures Compliance with a Complete Audit Trail

Audit Management

Centrally store key documentation to keep you compliant with various risk management frameworks, such as OSHA, NERC, and more. Close the gap between data and action.

Manage every safety meeting from a single-source solution

Cloud-based platform: This system supports large-scale data, user groups,
different devices, and applications wherever your workforce is located.

Limitless Configurability: Unify all data silos to drive real-time decisions.

Built-in mobility: Works securely on any mobile device or browser,
anywhere, online and offline.

Maximum adoption: Simplify the entire end-user experience driving record
employee participation levels organization-wide.

Modular framework: Build the solution you need ensuring workflows, reporting,
and automation are all working as one.

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Manage every safety meeting

Modules that Play Well Together


Audit Management

Incident Management

Meet compliance obligations and automate organizational audit management protocols.

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Incident Management

Contractor Management

Full-circle tracking to help you record, investigate, and resolve mishaps and other events that occur within your organization. Quickly output incident data into an OSHA 300, 300a, and 301 forms.

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Checklists & Inspections

Risk Management

Meet regulatory, license and permit requirements, assign owners and monitor corrective actions.

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Experience the Future of Effortless Excellence

Propel your organization forward with technology that consistently anticipates the future.

Revolutionize your organization with technology that anticipates your needs and empowers you to deliver unparalleled results. With this comprehensive system, you have all solutions at your disposal to work smarter and faster, effortlessly.

Tailor this system to align perfectly with your specific requirements and witness it effortlessly expand as your organization does, providing ongoing benefits and support for your evolving needs.

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EHS Modules


Tips for Selling EHS Internally to Your CFO

Incidental Safety Professional

Safety professionals want to hear about training and compliance, Bbt CFOs are typically concerned with monetary risks and, of course, bottom-line costs.

Read This Blog

Meeting Incident Reporting Requirements

Incident Reporting

Have you submitted your annual workplace injuries and illness report to OSHA yet? If your organization falls into a category where such reporting is required, can you easily access the incident information you need to meet your compliance obligations?

Read This Blog

6 Steps to Build Leadership Buy-In for EHS Technology

Caught-in and Caught-Between Injuries

This guide will help you understand how to convince the decision-makers to make the right workplace health and safety investments.

Download the Guide
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