Content, training, and technology for the banking industry
As the banking industry evolves with many services being provided online, employee interactions with customers can become brand differentiators. Whether customer service is provided in person at a branch, online via chat, or via a call center, employees can directly affect customer retention and loyalty.
Banking employees are responsible for managing risks and understanding the related laws and regulations such as Truth in Lending Act, RESPA, Regulation E, and more. Everyone can benefit from courses on cybersecurity, diversity, and professional productivity.
Consider HSI for our award-winning libraries of microlearning training videos. Our courses are SCORM/AICC compliant, or we offer a robust learning management system.
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Compliance Training and Professional Development Training for Bank Employees
A training program for your banking employees should include a variety of topics to support their industry knowledge and career development.
Banking and financial skills training topics can include banking the unbanked, cash-less money laundering, identify theft, insider training, robbery training, and more.
Professional development training topics for your banking employees can include banking customer service, active listening, conflict management, emotional intelligence, and more.

Training for the Whole Person
Everyone is dealing with issues in their personal life that may affect their focus and performance on the job. Train the whole person, not just the employee.
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion. Train your employees on unconscious bias, tokenism, and LGBTQ+ issues so they can bring their full self to work.
- Health and wellness. Stress and anxiety can cause dangerous distractions at work. Consider offering training courses on stress management and how to build resilience.
- Soft skills. We offer many more topics like soft skills training, new manager and supervisor training, and more. Help your employees communicate and collaborate more effectively with our training. Check out our employee training topics.

Additional Resources
- Banking and Financial Skills Training Topics
- Watch full courses from our banking skills training library
- FCPA Compliance Requirements: Building an Anti-Corruption Program