Driver Safety On and Off Campus (UNV-9.2)

Driver Safety On and Off Campus (UNV-9.2)

Learning objectives

  • Identify how to drive in hazardous driving conditions
  • Identify dangerous driving behaviors and how to avoid them
  • Identify the safety requirements of driving on- and off-campus
  • Identify the requirements needed to drive a university-owned or rented vehicle

Course overview

On average, 30,000-40,000 drivers are killed each year in the United States, and more than 2 million are injured. Across all types of industries, vehicle accidents are consistently one of the largest causes of on-the-job injuries and fatalities. This risk can be amplified on college and university campuses if young and inexperienced drivers are required to drive institution-owned vehicles on the job. During this course, learners will find out about the general requirements for work-related driving on/for colleges and universities, safety requirements for work-related driving, recommended safe practices for driving with various road hazards, and recommended techniques for avoiding dangerous driving behaviors. This course is designed for all employees on college and university campuses who may be expected to drive vehicles on or off campus as part of their normal job duties. While this course addresses OSHA training requirements, there may be a site-specific training component required that must be fulfilled by an employer.
  • 20 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
  • OSHA General Duty Clause Section 5(a)(1)
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