Active Shooter Training
Go Beyond Active Shooter Response Training
When active violence occurs, seconds count, and you can't always wait for EMS to arrive. AVERT gives you the confidence and tools you need to assess and react quickly in an active shooter situation, and how to apply stop the bleed practices during life-threatening bleeding situations.
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Readiness Assessment
When active violence occurs, being able to react quickly and with confidence is vital to saving lives. That is why we created our AVERT Readiness Assessment to help businesses and organizations understand their level of preparation for a potential threat. Take our 3-minute online readiness assessment to identify the strengths and potential weaknesses to find out your level of preparation if an active shooter situation was to occur.
Readiness Assessment
Training for everyone
Once taught only to industry professionals, the content in AVERT has been specifically adapted for the public by medical and law enforcement experts. Unlike other training programs that focus solely on run, hide, fight techniques, AVERT uses a dynamic method to teach proactive awareness, how to react and protect yourself and others in a violent situation, and how to stop the bleed of severe injuries that are often a result of these occurrences.
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Two ways to get AVERT
Become an Instructor

Train others to react confidently with life-saving skills during a violent encounter or a life-threatening bleeding emergency with our Instructor Development Course (IDC).
Find an Instructor Development CourseRequest on-site training

Send us your contact information to learn about preparing your team or organization to anticipate potential violence and react quickly in life-threatening situations.
Contact UsActive shooter incidences are increasing
Unfortunately, active shooter situations in the U.S. are happening more often, and you never know where or when you may be the victim of a violent situation. AVERT takes training that was originally created for first responders and makes it accessible for everyone. You’ll learn to recognize warning signs of potential violence, and you’ll practice applying the three important techniques for reacting to an active shooter.
Facts About Mass Shootings
Uncontrolled bleeding is a serious emergency
Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as five minutes, and blood loss due to trauma is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. When care is delayed, even by a few minutes, uncontrolled bleeding can quickly become life-threatening. AVERT can help save lives by teaching you how to act quickly with emergency stop the bleed techniques while waiting for healthcare professionals to arrive.
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Who can benefit from taking the AVERT program?
Everyone will benefit from AVERT’s unique combination of active shooter response training and bleeding control techniques designed to stop the bleed in an emergency. AVERT training is appropriate for all industries and types of venues.
Corporations | Places of Worship | Government | Healthcare | Schools | Universities | Venues | Nightclubs | Retail | Supermarkets | First Responder | Public Transportation

Is AVERT a workplace requirement?
Everyone has the right to a safe working environment. OSHA does not have a specific standard for workplace violence. However, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the OSH Act, or the Act), the extent of an employer's obligation to address workplace violence is governed by the General Duty Clause, which is often interpreted to include protection from workplace violence.

How the AVERT program works
AVERT is delivered in a “blended” training format. This means participants will first receive online training introducing them to the subject and preparing them for the instructor-led session. The instructor-led, in-person session lasts approximately three hours and includes dynamic hands-on training, realistic drills and education with encouraging feedback. Class sizes are limited to 15 people or less per instructor so that all participants will leave the AVERT program having the confidence to respond.
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"AVERT is one of the most enthusiastic, engaging, and informative training programs ever!"
Kelley Gonzales
Ph.D. Manager of Education, National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) The University of Southern Mississippi