EHS Readiness Assessment

Identify Your Biggest EHS Program Gaps in less than 8 minutes.

Benchmark yourself against over 1,000 global EHS professionals to uncover your EHS maturity and future-readiness.

Take Your Diagnostic Assessment
EHS Diagnostic Assessment

WHAT IS THE EHS READINESS DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT? Incidents, Checklists, Audits and more...

An 8-minute questionnaire evaluating your EHS program (incidents, checklists, audits and more) against the Global EHS Readiness Index (GERI). Upon survey completion, you'll receive a customized report outlining your program's exposures, vulnerabilities, and capabilities.

This comprehensive report is:

  • Tailored specifically for your organization, offering insights into your current EHS program status.
  • Benchmarks your organization against a pool of over 1,000 EHS professionals.
  • Maps your position on the maturity curve, unveiling your EHS future readiness.
  • Pinpoints the most substantial gaps in your EHS program.
  • Provides an overview of best practices and recommendations crafted to suit your organization.

Discover where your organization stands. It's not just an assessment; it's a captivating exploration into the dynamics of your EHS program.

Take Your Diagnostic Assessment
Global EHS Readiness

"After taking the assessment I was pleasantly surprised
to receive a PDF report that had
actual data that I could show to my executive team to get buy-in
for software and improved processes."

~EHS Director, company with 1,200 employees using paper and Excel

Capability scoring against the “Ten Factor” EHS framework from the GERI report

The 10 Benchmark Factors

Assess your capabilities against ten core variables contributing to the modern EHS program. Focus Network categorizes the EHS function into broad components which can be used to assess the EHS maturity of organizations. Find out how your organization stacks up against others in your industry!

Take Your Diagnostic Assessment
Capability Scoring

So what will I receive?

The report delivers customized insight surrounding your current EHS program status, with actionable recommendations to help your organization become ready for the future-of-work landscape.

EHS Program Insights

Your Readiness Score

No more blind spots as your personalized report highlights the priority areas of susceptibility of your EHS program including exposure, vulnerability, and capability.

EHS Maturity Mapping

Maturity Mapping

Understand your position within the EHS maturity curve and the gaps that need to be closed to progress your program.

Best Practice Recommendations

Best Practice Recommendations

Progress you EHS maturity. Access actionable best practice recommendations that you can start implementing TODAY.

What are the next steps?

Once you have taken your EHS Diagnostic Assessment and have digested
your report, we encourage you to discuss your unique results with an
Account Specialist. In your discovery call, they will review your
vulnerabilities and explain how our universal platform delivers a single-
source of truth, visibility, and control to the modern EHS professional.

Schedule A Call
Team EHS

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Learn from our experts how the HSI Platform can work for your business. See the solutions and scenarios you want to see in action with a 1:1 personalized guided demo from one of our Account Representatives. Would you like to get started?

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Ready to see the HSI EHS System LIVE?

Discover the 2024 Global EHS Readiness Index Report

The must-read report for Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) leaders in any industry.

The Global EHS Readiness Index (GERI) Report benchmarks the overall program maturity of organizations by assessing ten (10) capability factors for EHS readiness. The study also highlights the critical gaps and vulnerabilities holding EHS programs from progressing with confidence. How does your company’s EHS program stack up against others?

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Diagnostics Report
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