Hand and Pinch Point Safety: Hand and Arm Hazards (SNP-159.2)

Hand and Pinch Point Safety: Hand and Arm Hazards (SNP-159.2)

Learning objectives

  • Identify major types of hand and arm hazards

Course overview

While on the job, using a tool improperly or not paying attention while working around heavy machinery can lead to damaging various parts of a worker's hands. Because of the complexity of the hand, repairing the hand to its previous abilities may be difficult. While most serious hand injuries occur as a result of physical trauma from machinery, other hand injuries can be caused by ergonomic hazards due to repetitive motion. While these injuries are less severe, they result in the most days away from work compared to other injuries. Learners who successfully complete this course will demonstrate knowledge of how to identify major types of hand and arm hazards. This microlearning course addresses a specific aspect of a broader training topic. For a more complete training experience, see PPE-2.2 Hand and Pinch Point Safety. This microlearning course is available in English and Spanish.
  • 6 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
  • 29 CFR 1910.138 Hand Protection
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