Hands-Only CPR (CPR-2.2)

Hands-Only CPR (CPR-2.2)

Learning objectives

  • Identify the recommended steps for performing hands-only CPR

Course overview

If a person?s heart and/or breathing stops, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, can keep that person alive until emergency medical help arrives. CPR keeps a person?s blood oxygenated and flowing. Anyone can perform CPR, which generally includes performing chest compressions and/or mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. However, some people may be uncomfortable performing mouth-to-mouth. In 2008, the American Heart Association established new guidelines for hands-only CPR. This was based on new scientific studies, but also as a way to get bystanders to feel empowered to help if someone collapses. Learners who successfully complete this course should be able to identify the recommended steps for performing hands-only CPR.
  • 7 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
  • OSHA 29 CFR 1910.151
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