Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention For Professional Drivers (DOT-6.2)

Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention For Professional Drivers (DOT-6.2)

Learning objectives

  • Identify the definitions of human trafficking and commercial exploitation of children
  • Identify characteristics of both possible victims and traffickers
  • Identify where human trafficking commonly occurs, as well as the types of trafficking that occur in the commercial driving enterprise
  • Recognize signs commercial drivers and employees can use to identify potential trafficking
  • Identify methods commercial drivers and transport hubs can use to prevent trafficking
  • Identify how to get assistance if you suspect trafficking is occurring

Course overview

Trafficking is a $150 billion industry profiting from approximately 25 million people. Truck stops and other travel centers with significant turnover such as bus stations are favorite stops for traffickers. With thousands of travelers passing through, traffickers and their victims can easily become almost invisible. When an employee has completed this course, they should be able to identify the definitions of human trafficking and commercial exploitation of children, as well as characteristics of both possible victims and traffickers. They should be able to identify where human trafficking commonly occurs, as well as the types of trafficking that occur in the commercial driving enterprise. They should be able to recognize signs commercial drivers and employees can use to identify potential trafficking. They should also be able to identify methods commercial drivers and transport hubs can use to prevent trafficking, as well as how to get assistance if they suspect trafficking is occurring. This course is presented in both English and Spanish.
  • 22 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
  • Pub.L. 115-393 - The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000
  • Pub.L. 115-106 - No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act
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