Municipal Employee Safety (MES-6.2)

Municipal Employee Safety (MES-6.2)

Learning objectives

  • Recognize that potential hazards exist with municipality employment
  • Recognize that provisions are in place for your safety that must be followed

Course overview

Working for a municipality carries many of the same hazards that any other job comes with. Every city or town has needs for garbage collection, sewage and waste water treatment, animal control, street maintenance and landscaping maintenance. Municipal employees may have to do any of these types of work, and contend with hazards like infectious waste, rabid animals, dangerous traffic, or heavy equipment and tools. Learners who successfully complete this course will be able to identify hazards common to municipality work and their recommended safe work practices. This course is intended for all workers employed by municipalities of any size.
  • 10 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
  • OSHA’s General Duty Clause 5 (a)(1)
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