Respiratory Protection Oil and Gas: Inhalation Hazards (SNP-145.2)

Respiratory Protection Oil and Gas: Inhalation Hazards (SNP-145.2)

Learning objectives

  • Recognize types of inhalation hazards

Course overview

Oil and gas exploration and production often causes workers to encounter hazardous atmospheres. Hazardous chemical fumes, low oxygen environments, and even some types of dust particles can cause injury or illness to workers. If the atmosphere becomes hazardous to breathe, employees may require respiratory protection. Learners who successfully complete this course will be able to recognize types of inhalation hazards on their sites. This microlearning course addresses a specific aspect of a broader training topic. For a more complete training experience, see OGS-16.2 Respiratory Protection for Oil and Gas Personnel.
  • 7 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
  • 29 CFR 1910.134
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