Winter Safety for Oil and Gas Personnel (OGS-47.2)

Winter Safety for Oil and Gas Personnel (OGS-47.2)

Learning objectives

  • Identify winter-related hazardous road conditions and safe driving practices
  • Identify winter-related hazardous road conditions and safe driving practices
  • Identify winter-related hazardous road conditions and safe driving practices
  • Identify winter-related hazardous road conditions and safe driving practices
  • Identify winter-related hazardous road conditions and safe driving practices
  • Identify how to prepare for hazardous driving conditions
  • Identify preventative measures to avoid cold stress
  • Identify the adverse effects of cold stress and how to treat them
  • Identify the factors that contribute to heat loss

Course overview

Jobs in the oil and gas industry often require driving and working outdoors. In some cases, this means working or driving in extreme temperatures or conditions. Workers who successfully complete this course will be able to identify the factors that contribute to heat loss, the adverse effects of cold stress and how to treat them, preventative measures to avoid cold stress, the winter-related hazardous road conditions and safe driving practices, and how to prepare for hazardous driving conditions. This course is intended for oil and gas workers who are required to work or drive in hazardous winter-weather conditions.
  • 21 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
  • 29 CFR 654
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