NERC Compliance Audit Tips for Subject Matter Experts

NERC Compliance Audit Tips for Subject Matter Experts

It is one thing for Compliance Managers, regulatory specialists, and expert advisers to sit down with an auditor and answer questions about how an organization meets the requirements of the NERC reliability standards. Many of these individuals deal with the standards full time, including monitoring the development of the applicable standards, mapping implementation of changes, and creating or revising applicable procedures. These duties include designing and delivering training to both executive and operations staff on what is involved and how best to craft a compliance strategy that best fits their needs.

It is quite another thing for a designated Subject Matter Expert (SME) to prepare and deliver compliance information to an auditor. Likely, compliance with the standard in question is not their full-time job. They have a role to play in assuring compliance with one or more requirements but their viewpoint, rightfully so, is limited. A wise person once said that compliance with the NERC standards consists of two things: either a procedure to do something or evidence you did something. That adage can be refined to include controls for making sure these things happen correctly and on time.

Auditor interviews can be intimidating but the anxiety associated with the experience can be largely mitigated with some relatively simple steps.

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