NORM Awareness in the Oil and Gas Industry

NORM Awareness in the Oil and Gas Industry

Protecting Oil and Gas Workers from NORM and TENORM

Most of us are exposed to low levels of natural and man-made radiation every day. However, on an oil and gas site, workers can be exposed to higher levels of naturally occurring radioactive material or NORM.

NORM can build up in pipelines and on equipment. High concentrations can pose a significant health hazard when not properly managed. NORM can be enhanced by human activity, such as oil and gas extraction, to become technologically enhanced NORM (TENORM) which can increase workers’ potential for exposure. Fortunately, oil and gas employers can help protect workers by making sure they’re aware of NORM/TENORM hazards and how to protect themselves.

oil and gas worker hazards

What is Radiation?

Before we get into specifics about NORM, we need to understand what radiation is. Radiation is energy released by one object that travels to and is either deflected or absorbed by another object. Radiation can exist as particles or pure energy, commonly as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays.

While alpha particles have more mass than beta particles, they:

Beta particles can still be blocked by simple barriers, but are:

Because alpha and beta particles can be blocked by simple barriers, inhalation is the most dangerous route of exposure.

Gamma rays are usually more dangerous because they:

Anyone who works around or can be exposed to gamma rays needs full shielding to perform their duties safely.

What are NORM and TENORM?

NORM is materials found in nature that contain radioactive elements, including:

NORM can gather in plants, soil, rocks, water, and underground deposits of crude oil, natural gas, and other materials common on oil and gas sites.

NORM that has been impacted by human activity, such as oil and gas extraction or injection wells, can become TENORM and increase the risks of human radiation exposure.

Natural and Man-made Radiation

Background radiation exists all around us, from both natural and man-made sources. One of the most common sources of natural background radiation we’re all exposed to is the sun. Sunlight is a necessary type of ultraviolet radiation that humans, plants, and animals need to survive. However, too much sun exposure can lead to skin damage, ranging from sunburn to skin cancer.

Man-made radiation sources are also present all around us. In fact, there is still radiation in the atmosphere from atomic explosions in the 1940s and 1950s. More common man-made radiation in our daily lives includes:

power lines hazard

NORM and TENORM on Oil and Gas Sites

NORM and TENORM are most commonly encountered when production of crude oil leaves deposits inside production, processing, and transportation equipment. NORM can collect when radioactive materials combine with minerals or stick to metal surfaces inside equipment, such as tubing pipes, and tanks. Produced water can collect radium that can leave NORM deposits inside separators, piping, and tanks on site.

Most oil and gas personnel are exposed to NORM during waste transport and processing, maintenance, and equipment decommissioning. The greatest NORM exposure risk for most workers typically comes from inhaling alpha and beta particles during cutting, grinding, water and sandblasting, and other abrasive activities, particularly over long periods. However, workers can also be exposed by ingesting dust, water, or food that has been contaminated with NORM, including instances of working around NORM without cleaning themselves or washing their hands first.

Site Policies and Preventative Measures

If NORM/TENORM is known to be present on a site, the employer should have a plan to find, manage, and react to those materials. Most site plans should aim to keep all radiation levels “As Low as Reasonably Achievable” (ALARA). The ALARA approach involves reducing worker radiation exposure to safe levels by:

Oil and Gas Safety Training

An oil and gas site’s specific plan will vary depending on its characteristics, but plans often include:

NORM/TENORM Decontamination and Disposal

Because removing, cleaning, and refurbishing radiation-contaminated equipment and disposing of NORM/TENORM naturally brings about high levels of exposure, personnel need additional in-depth training and precautions before disposing of NORM or decontaminating equipment. Most oil and gas companies prefer on-site decontamination since some equipment can’t easily be removed or replaced.

If decontamination cannot be performed safely on site, or if the equipment must be refurbished before being reused, offsite decontamination may be required. Oil and gas companies will generally bring in trained contractors to decontaminate equipment, but some companies may have dedicated personnel to decontaminate equipment on their sites.

Decontamination can expose the surrounding areas to radiation, so additional safeguards or barriers should be in place to prevent NORM from escaping the decontamination area. Any personnel involved in decontaminating or disposing of NORM must understand its hazards and the precautions necessary to safely perform decontamination.

Oil and gas workers can be exposed to NORM and TENORM in many different job duties and employers need to understand those hazards. When site personnel know where those hazards are and how to protect themselves, they can perform their job duties safely and more effectively.

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