Oil and Gas Rig Safety

Oil and Gas Rig Safety

Work on an oil and gas rig can be exciting, fast-paced, and lucrative, but it can also be deadly. Of the 15 industries tracked by the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, fatality rates in the oil and gas industry are third behind only transportation and agriculture and forestry. Hazard control is critical on oil rigs, making it crucial for both employers and employees to participate in safety programs to help prevent unnecessary risks.

Oil and Gas Rig Basics

Oil and gas rigs are established on land believed or known to have oil and/or natural gas deposits that can be extracted. The iconic derrick, reminiscent of the Eiffel Tower is a familiar sight on the rigs. Underneath the derrick, workers add pipe to and remove it from the drill string.

oil and gas rig basic safety

A drill bit is attached to the drill string. A mixture of chemicals, called drilling fluid or mud, flows through the drill string to help maintain pressure in the well and flush drilled material upward. Once drilling is finished and the well’s viability is confirmed, it is equipped with casting and equipment to monitor the flow of oil and gas.

Identifying Hazards on a Rig

Each job on a rig has its own unique hazards. While some hazards are the same across jobs, others require different controls. To identify the best control for a position, employers and employees can work together using a job hazard analysis or job safety analysis. Employers and employees should identify the potential hazards of each position, starting with the most hazardous one. Questions asked can include:

oil and gas rig safety checks

By regularly reviewing job hazard analyses, especially when a position changes, employers can help prevent incidents and near misses.

Common Chemical Hazards

Diesel Particulate Matter

Diesel particulate matter, or DPM, is produced by diesel engines, commonly used to power heavy machinery, vehicles, and other equipment. In high concentrations, DPM can cause headaches and irritate the nose and eyes. Over a long period, it can lead to cancer. Inhalation can be prevented through:

Flammable Substances

Flammable substances on well sites include the well itself, trucks, and shale shakers. It is easy for static, open flames, lightning, hot surfaces, or cigarettes to ignite a substance, causing significant damage and possibly death. Employees play a significant role in preventing fires, including:

Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, is created by decomposing organic matter and is a natural component in “sour” oil and gas formations. H2S can also occur in pits, tanks, and other low-lying areas. Even at low concentrations, H2S can cause unconsciousness or even death. Employers must actively monitor for the gas and provide a site-specific hazard orientation for anyone visiting a work site.

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material

In addition to H2S, naturally occurring radioactive material, or NORM, can be released from formations and include uranium, radium, and lead. NORM is commonly found in sludge and drilling mud. Employers must monitor for it. If exposure is a risk, a sign with the words, “CAUTION, RADIATION AREA” must be posted. Regular radiation surveys, film badge monitoring, and radiation-free break and storage areas must be provided.

Equipment Hazards

Both heavy equipment and motor vehicles are common on oil and gas sites. Each carry their own set of risks. The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries reports that approximately four of every 10 workers are killed on the job in this industry as a result of a highway vehicle incident. Drivers who transport materials or workers must be aware of the dangers of driving while tired or distracted. Regular rest is critical, and drivers should not use their phone, eat, or drink while driving.

Once on the site, workers are at risk of being struck by, caught in, or caught between moving vehicles and equipment, falling equipment, and high-pressure lines. Injuries can be prevented by using tag lines and safety lines and completing frequent maintenance.

In addition to struck-by, caught-in, or caught-between hazards, heavy machinery on oil and gas sites can shock, burn, or electrocute employees servicing or maintaining them. Employers must maintain a lockout/tagout program to help prevent accidental startup of equipment. Only employees who have been properly trained and authorized should repair or maintain equipment. Any hazards should be reported to a supervisor immediately.

Work Environment Hazards

oil and gas rig hazards

Oil and gas rigs can be found in many climates, from the bitter cold to the scorching heat, and these unique environments can lead to hazards. Employees in all climates can be affected by:

Rigs are loud places with diesel engines, semi-trucks, or other large vehicles. Even the drilling itself contributes to the noise level. Employers must maintain an ongoing hearing conservation program if the exposure is at or above the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s action level.

Temperatures can vary on rig sites, with some in constant climates like the desert and other in climates with significant variation, like cold winters and hot summers. Employers must make sure any employees working in the cold are:

If working in the heat, employers should provide employees with plenty of cool water and monitor weather reports.

While working on a rig, employees are at risk of slips, trips, and falls. Workers like the derrickman, who work at significant heights, could fall off the work surface, possibly striking workers or equipment below or falling into open pits or tanks. Maintenance and housekeeping are also important to prevent debris buildup or clean-up spills. Never store or leave anything in a walkway. If you notice a hazard in a walkway, fix it or notify someone immediately.

Unsurprisingly, oil and gas rigs are one of the most dangerous job sites. To minimize injuries and fatalities, the employer and all employees must be aware of the inherent risks and understand safety procedures before stepping onto an oil rig.

With proper training, regular equipment maintenance, and worker awareness, the risk of injury and fatality can be minimized.

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