551-10 - Air Cooled Condensers

551-10 - Air Cooled Condensers

Course overview

Condensers remove spent steam from equipment and transform it into useable water via condensation. Although condensers are used in many industries, an air cooled condenser (ACC) is a commonly employed component at electrical power facilities worldwide. The low pressure turbine sends exhaust steam to the ACC which condenses the steam into water using cool ambient air. The condensed water returns to the boiler for heating so it can be reused to power the turbine.

This process results in a flow of water that continuously changes states from liquid to steam, to liquid, to steam. It offers a convenient method to improve the power plant's efficiency.

The Air Cooled Condensers training course describes their basic design principles, structural components, and operating considerations. It discusses the flow of water for steam condensation in an A-frame ACC. It also explains typical ACC maintenance procedures. This online training course focuses on:

  • ACC fundamentals
  • ACC principle and design
  • Water flow through an ACC
  • ACC operations
  • ACC maintenance and operational considerations

Air Cooled condensers is part of the Circulating Water Systems training series.

  • 35 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English , Spanish
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