DOT: Drug and Alcohol Testing for Employees

DOT: Drug and Alcohol Testing for Employees

Learning objectives

  • Recognize the significance of having a safety-sensitive role in the workplace, what conduct is prohibited for all safety-sensitive workers, and your responsibility to understand and follow DOT regulations.
  • Identify the six situations under which safety-sensitive workers are subject to drug and/or alcohol testing and when testing occurs.
  • Identify prohibited alcohol related conduct and uses, signs and symptoms that can indicate alcohol use, the definition of blood alcohol content and how each BAC level affects the body.
  • Identify the five prohibited drugs the DOT program tests, the specific signs and symptoms of drug use.
  • Recognize the guidelines and legalities of prescription use for employees in a safety-sensitive role.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the alcohol and drug testing process, test procedures and results, and the steps in the return-to-duty process.

Course overview

As an employee who performs safety-sensitive functions, you will learn about prohibited drug- and alcohol-related conduct for all safety-sensitive workers, the six conditions under which you are subject to drug and alcohol testing, when they occur and the testing process, and the signs and symptoms of substance use.

  • 42 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English , Spanish
Course Outline
  • Requirements for Safety-Sensitive Roles
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Drug Use
  • Prescription Drug Use
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing Process
  • 49 CFR Part 40 - Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug And Alcohol Testing Programs
  • Title 49 Subtitle B Chapter III Subchapter B Part 382 Subpart C Section 307
  • Title 49 Subtitle B Chapter III Subchapter B Part 382 Subpart F Section 603
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