563-01 - Basic Power Plant Efficiency

563-01 - Basic Power Plant Efficiency

Course overview

A power plant burns fuel such as coal, oil, or gas in a boiler to make steam. The steam turns a turbine which is connected to an electric generator. The electrical energy generated is then sold to customers.

A power plant can lose energy in many places during this process. Knowing where the losses will be and how much is acceptable is vital to effective power plant operations.

The Basic Power Plant Efficiency training course explains the relationship between energy, work, and efficiency. It describes how the boiler, turbine cycle, and generator comprise heat rate, which is the term used to express power plant efficiency. It discusses how power plant losses know as controllable losses affect heat rate. Finally, it covers the roles of operations, maintenance, engineering, and plant management in the plant heat rate program.

This course includes:

  • Main plant components
  • Power plant efficiency terms
  • Performance parameters
  • Workgroup responsibilities

Basic Power Plant Efficiency is part of the Efficiency, Reliability, and Environmentally Sensitive Operations training series.

  • 35 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
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