HIPAA For General Employees: HIPAA Security Rule

HIPAA For General Employees: HIPAA Security Rule

Learning objectives

  • By the end of this lesson series, the learner will be able to:
    • Explain the key components of the HIPAA Security Rule and its purpose in protecting electronic protected health information (ePHI).
    • Identify the three main types of safeguards required by the Security Rule: administrative, technical, and physical.
    • Describe the responsibilities of employees and managers in adhering to the organization's information security plan (ISP).
    • Understand the procedures for reporting and responding to breaches of ePHI.

Course overview

The HIPAA Security Rule is crucial for safeguarding electronic protected health information (ePHI) from digital threats like unauthorized access and breaches, especially in electronic health records (EHR). This course will help general health care employees understand what rights and responsibilities come with this rule.
  • 6 minutes
  • Format: Video
  • English
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