HIPAA For General Employees: Protected Health Information

HIPAA For General Employees: Protected Health Information

Learning objectives

  • By the end of this lesson series, the learner will be able to:
    • Define Protected Health Information (PHI) and distinguish it from Individually Identifiable Health Information (IIHI).
    • Identify the various types of PHI, including demographic information, patient identifiers, medical information, and biometric data.
    • Explain the roles of covered entities and business associates in handling PHI.
    • Describe the requirements for disclosing PHI and the importance of safeguarding personal health information in various settings.

Course overview

A major part of HIPAA is understanding protected health information (PHI). Not all of the information you come across will be PHI, and knowing what is will help ensure that you're respecting your patients and staying within the law. This course explores what PHI is, who's responsible for safeguarding it, and when it's acceptable to disclose.

  • 5 minutes
  • Format: Video
  • English
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