273-03 - Inspecting the Fireside of a Boiler, Part 2

273-03 - Inspecting the Fireside of a Boiler, Part 2

Learning objectives

  • Describe how to inspect the fireside of a superheater in a large watertube boiler
  • Describe how to inspect the fireside of a reheater in a large watertube boiler
  • Describe how to inspect a bottom ash hopper in a large watertube boiler
  • Describe how to inspect the fireside of an economizer in a large watertube boiler
  • Describe how to inspect baffles on the fireside of a large watertube boiler
  • Describe how to inspect the boiler bottom seal in a large watertube boiler

Course overview

Boiler inspections can be broken into three broad categories: fireside inspections, waterside inspections, and exterior inspections. Most companies mandate routine inspections to ensure boilers are maintained in safe operating condition.

The Inspecting the Fireside of a Boiler, Part 2 training course explains specific things to look for when doing a fireside inspection. It includes techniques and procedures for inspecting:

  • Superheaters and reheaters
  • Soot blowers
  • Bottom ash hoppers
  • Economizers
  • Baffles
  • Boiler bottom seals

This online course is part of the Boiler Repair training series.

  • 40 minutes
  • Format: Online Interactive
  • English
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