Introduction to OSHA
Learning objectives
- Recognize OSHA's role and responsibilities in ensuring safe and healthy work environments
- Identify the types of OSHA standards and how they are organized
- Recognize your rights under OSHA
- Recognize what responsibilities your employer has under OSHA
- Recognize important information regarding an OSHA inspection, including how they are prioritized, and what your role can be in an inspection
- Identify helpful worker safety and health resources
- Understand OSHA's training requirement
Course overview
This lesson is an introduction to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – an agency of the United States Department of Labor that ensures safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women This lesson includes content that is required in all 10- and 30-hour classes for the construction, general, and maritime industries.
- 52 minutes
- Format: Online Interactive
- English
Course Outline
- Introduction
- The Mission of OSHA
- Reading an OSHA Standard
- Worker Rights Under OSHA
- Employer Responsibilities Under OSHA
- OSHA Inspections
- Worker Safety and Health Resources
- 29 CFR 1903- Inspections, Citations, and Proposed Penalties- Table of Contents/Authority for 1903