Forklift - Safe Driving
Learning objectives
- Recall your responsibilities, and those of your employer, for ensuring safe forklift operation and maneuverability at your facility.
- Outline techniques for operating a forklift on challenging surfaces and in enclosed spaces.
- Identify the roles of operators, pedestrians, and safety managers for ensuring pedestrian safety near forklift operations.
Course overview
This is the fourth lesson in a five-part, forklift operator training curriculum. The lessons in the curriculum include Forklift Fundamentals, Stability and Capacity, Load Handling, Safe Driving (this lesson), and Inspection and Maintenance. This lesson will teach you about techniques for operating and maneuvering a forklift safely, including how to drive on challenging surfaces, in enclosed areas, and near pedestrians.
- 17 minutes
- Format: Online Interactive
- English
Course Outline
- Safe Driving Basics
- Challenging Workplace Conditions
- 29 CFR 1910 Subpart N n Materials Handling and Storage n 178 Powered Industrial Trucks
- California Code of Regulations, Subchapter 7. General Industry Safety Orders, Group 4. General Mobile Equipment and Auxiliaries, Article 25. Industrial Trucks, Tractors, Haulage Vehicles, and Earthmoving Equipment, Sections 3650, 3664. Industrial Trucks, General. Operating Rules