Time Matters for Employees: Logging Workday Interruptions

Time Matters for Employees: Logging Workday Interruptions

Learning objectives

  • Gain an understanding of how to handle workday interruptions when it comes to timesheets. Learn what should be logged as an interruption or as personal time off.

Course overview

When you work a job that requires you to keep a timesheet, whether remote or in person, you'll have to figure out how to log an important element of the workday: interruptions. We all get interrupted sometimes at work, whether by regular, scheduled breaks, doctor's appointments, or personal emergencies. So, how do you log these on your timesheet? While this depends a lot on your company's particular policies, plus local and state requirements for your industry, there are some general things to keep in mind. In this course, we'll cover common interruptions and how you should log each of them.

  • 7 minutes
  • Format: Video
  • English
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