Time Matters for Managers: Time and Employee Morale

Time Matters for Managers: Time and Employee Morale

Learning objectives

  • Gain an understanding of how time theft can impact employee morale. Learn about how productivity and engagement are effected, and discover tips for keeping your team's morale high.

Course overview

If you're a manager or supervisor, you may be wondering why things like time theft and overtime payments matter. Yes, we know they matter to your bosses, because no higher-up wants to be spending extra money or paying employees for more hours than they've actually worked. But why should they matter to you? And more importantly, why should they matter to your team? One of the biggest reasons is because they affect employee morale. In this program, we'll discuss how time theft and overtime can impact employee productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction. We'll also give some tips to help keep morale high in your workplace.

  • 7 minutes
  • Format: Video
  • English
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