Workers' Compensation for Employees: 03. Return to Work and Injury Settlements for Employees

Workers' Compensation for Employees: 03. Return to Work and Injury Settlements for Employees

Learning objectives

  • To understand the return-to-work process for employees returning from a workers' compensation claim.
  • To help employees understand the settlement process if they cannot return to work after a claim.

Course overview

Workers' compensation claims serve as a critical safety net for employees who face injury or illness in the workplace. Central to this process is a gradual return to work after a claim. This strikes a balance between an employee's recovery and their reintegration into the workforce. In this program, we'll talk about this process and discuss receiving accommodations, getting fit-for-duty medical exams, dealing with the settlement process, and more.

  • 6 minutes
  • Format: Video
  • English
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