HSI Named a 2019 Top 20 Authoring Tool Company by Training Industry

HSI, a leading provider of online video training solutions, has been announced as a Top 20 Authoring Tools company by Training Industry. Training Industry, a leading research and information resource for corporate learning leaders, prepares the Training Industry Top 20 and Training Industry Watch List reports on critical sectors of the training marketplace to better inform professionals about the best and most innovative providers of training services and technologies.
Selection to the 2019 Training Industry Top 20 Authoring Tools Companies List was based on the following criteria:
Leadership and innovation of authoring tool
Breadth and quality of authoring tool features and capabilities
Company size and growth potential
Quality and number of clients
Awards, recognition and competitive differentiation
“The 2019 Authoring Tools Watch List is comprised of companies that provide leading features and capabilities to the corporate learning professional,” said Danielle Draewell, research analyst at Training Industry, Inc. “Online, video-based e-learning is HSI's specialty, and it continues to move the field forward with tools and features that balance robust abilities with ease of use.”
About Training Industry
Training Industry is the leading resource for managing the corporate training function, with news, articles, case studies, webinars, events, and original research for the leader of corporate learning, with resources published on www.trainingindustry.com and in Training Industry Magazine. Training Industry publishes Top Training Companies reports covering sectors of importance to the corporate training function (www.trainingindustry.com/top20), as part of our mission to help training professionals more effectively manage the business of learning.
About HSI
HSI is a leader in Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) and workforce development software, training, and compliance solutions. HSI offers an all-in-one compliance software platform, safety management and compliance training, management and employee development training, and emergency care and CPR training for businesses of all sizes. Their content solutions and technology platform enable safety, HR and operations managers to train employees on necessary workforce skills, keep workers safe and meet regulatory and operational compliance requirements. HSI is majority-owned by Waud Capital Partners, a leading growth-oriented private equity firm with total capital commitments of approximately $3.0 billion. For more information, visit hsi.com.