HSI Releases New and Improved OSHA 10 and 30 Courses

HSI, a leader in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and workforce development software, training, and compliance solutions, announces the availability of totally revamped and upgraded OSHA 10 & 30 courses. The release includes courses for OSHA 10 General Industry and Construction, OSHA 30 General Industry and Construction, and the variations of these OSHA trainings for New York City. In addition, HSI has added Spanish versions to the OSHA 30 General Industry and Construction offerings.
OSHA Overhaul
Over the past several months, HSI’s subject matter experts and design team have worked hard to update and revamp their General Industry and Construction courses. With many years of providing OSHA 10 and 30 to thousands of customers, HSI saw the need for updated content across the market.
HSI has added more interactivity with updated animations to keep the course taker focused on the material. This technique also helps ensure employees or course takers remember the content and lessons. The new training is built upon countless hours of creating storytelling videos that connect course takers to real-world hazards. In addition to the higher quality of content, HSI also provides free OSHA hard cards plus an instant printable certificate, QR code, and fraud protection.
With this strategic move to upgrade their OSHA 10 and 30 courses, HSI has positioned itself as the top OSHA outreach provider. “Why take the same old, boring training for 30 hours when you can get a better training experience?” says Mike Case, Sr. Director of Product Management at HSI. “There are countless scenarios in the world of safety training that cannot be effectively demonstrated through slides and on-screen text. We use our 3-D animation and interactive scenarios to expose the learner to situations that would be difficult to create using photos and live-action video. This helps make the training more enjoyable, memorable, and relevant.”
New OSHA 30 Spanish
For years HSI has provided OSHA 10 construction and general industry in Spanish. Helping companies across the country keep their native Spanish-speaking employees safe to go home to their families each night.
HSI has now applied that same translation technology and strategy to OSHA 30-hour training to reach the Spanish-speaking managers, foremen, and supervisors of the workforce. Becoming your one-stop shop for OSHA 10 and 30.
Workers and supervisors who are either Spanish only or native Spanish speakers will gain more from the training provided to them in their native language. “Comprehension increases when learners can give their complete attention to the content in their native language without first needing to mentally translate the information into their first language.” (Training Industry) Studies have shown that workers who receive training in their native language are far more likely to follow safety precautions and avoid hazards in the workplace.
OSHA 10 Hour Training Upgraded
The 10-hour OSHA Outreach courses provide basic awareness training on the avoidance and prevention of workplace hazards. These courses cover the construction and general industry.
OSHA designed the 10-hour training to be introductory and the best fit for the frontline workers and staff. With a new look that incorporates storytelling and interactivities to make all key elements memorable for years.
OSHA 30 Hour Training Redesigned
The 30-hour OSHA Outreach courses provide more comprehensive awareness training on the avoidance, abatement, and prevention of workplace hazards. HSI offers this course for the construction and general industry.
Although it covers some of the same materials as OSHA 10, you can expect to learn more about OSHA standards, safety and health hazards, and regulations.
This course is well suited for safety directors, supervisors, and foremen. Redesigned content for an even more relatable training experience.
New York City
HSI’s voice-proctored OSHA 10 & 30 training meets the requirements for New York City. There are some additional requirements that may be required for work in New York City, but HSI’s voice proctored courses meet the requirements for NYC OSHA 10 & 30 training.
Learn more about your one-stop shop for all things OSHA 10 and 30.
About HSI
HSI is your single-source partner for EHS, Compliance, and Professional Development. HSI provides integrated e-learning content, training solutions, and cloud-based software designed to enable your business to improve safety, operations, and employee development. Across all industries, they help safety and technical managers, human resources, first responders, and operational leaders train and develop their workforce, keep workers safe, and meet regulatory and operational compliance requirements. They are a unique partner that offers a suite of cloud-based software solutions including learning management, safety management, chemical SDS management and more, integrated with content and training so businesses can not only monitor and manage multiple workflows in one system, but train employees via one partner. HSI is majority-owned by Waud Capital Partners, a leading growth-oriented private equity firm with total capital commitments of approximately $3.0 billion. For more information, visit www.hsi.com.