HSI Wins in Training Magazine Network 2020 Choice Awards

HSI has won two awards in the second annual 2020 Training Magazine Network Choice Awards, a crowd-sourced vendor awards program that recognizes outstanding training products and solutions. Through a peoples’-choice voting process, HSI won in two categories: Authoring Tools and Leadership development.
Over 6,000 votes were cast between June and September by 2,946 respondents within Training Magazine Network’s Learning and Development member community. The objective of the voting was to find the most effective tools and solutions in the following categories:
- Authoring Tools
- Custom Content/Program Development
- Gamification
- Leadership Development
- Learning Portal/Learning Management System (LMS)
- Measurement, Testing, and Assessment
Winners were determined by a combination of the total number of votes received and an average weighted score based on effectiveness. “With this being only the second year for the Training Magazine Network Choice Awards, we were thrilled that we doubled the number of votes and unique respondents,” says Training magazine Publisher Lori Gardner.
About HSI
HSI is a leader in Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) and workforce development software, training, and compliance solutions. HSI offers an all-in-one compliance software platform, safety management and compliance training, management and employee development training, and emergency care and CPR training for businesses of all sizes. Their content solutions and technology platform enable safety, HR and operations managers to train employees on necessary workforce skills, keep workers safe and meet regulatory and operational compliance requirements. HSI is majority-owned by Waud Capital Partners, a leading growth-oriented private equity firm with total capital commitments of approximately $3.0 billion. For more information, visit hsi.com.