June is National Safety Month - 2018

Although any environmental, health and safety (EHS) professional will tell you that every month should be safety awareness month, it’s June that has the honor of being the nationally recognized time to remember to always put safety first.
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), “National Safety Month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the road and in our homes and communities.”
The NSC offers several ideas on how EHS managers can spread the word about putting safety first in all that we do, including:
- Create bulletin boards, newsletters or blog posts
- Hold a safety trivia contest with weekly prizes
- Make an activity out of identifying hazards where you work and live
- Throw a safety fair, lunch ‘n learn or celebratory luncheon
For many in the U.S., our primary exposure to best safety practices comes from our required workplace safety training. To ensure your team is receiving the right training for your workplace, take the Training and Compliance quiz from HSI.
This interactive exercise helps EHS professionals align their training program with their organization’s unique hazard exposure. Learn about Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard citations and training frequency, get best safety practice recommendations and receive a custom compliance roadmap when you take the quiz here.
Even EHS managers can use a best practices reminder, so be sure to visit HSI’s collection of Supervisor Safety video clips. These short videos review important considerations for stairway safety, alarm systems, extension cord safety, breaker panels, fume hoods and more. Take a few minutes to refresh your own knowledge or share a video clip at your next safety meeting.
The HSI family of companies offers a suite of solutions, including OSHA-approved safety training and tools, for compliance tracking and reporting requirements. We also offer a network of instructors and materials to assist with your onsite safety and first aid training needs, and workplace chemical and hazardous materials management. During National Safety Month or anytime you need help providing the best in workplace safety training and compliance for your company, give us a call at 800-447-3177 or fill out our contact form to speak with an HSI training and compliance expert.