Transforming EHS Management: Auckland Council’s Journey with HSI

Transforming EHS Management: Auckland Council’s Journey with HSI
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HSI EHS Platform Simplifies Management for Largest Council in the Southern Hemisphere

Organization: New Zealand | Auckland Council
10 Modules
International Governance
Over 10,000 Employees
Auckland Region, New Zealand

Discover how Auckland Council, revolutionized its Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) management with the HSI EHS Platform. Serving approximately 1.7 million people and managing a vast 2,200 miles including urban areas, beaches, rural landscapes, and forested regions. The Auckland Council faced significant challenges in ensuring cohesive and effective safety practices across its diverse operations after merging 9 local government entities.

Learn more about Auckland Council’s journey and how the HSI EHS Platform played a pivotal role in their EHS transformation. This case study highlights the power of technology and a proactive approach in managing health, safety, and wellbeing. Watch how this transformation not only safeguards the workforce but also sets a benchmark for other organizations facing similar challenges.

Complexity to clarity:

Impact on workforce and processes:

“If we can go home at night knowing that we’ve prevented a serious injury, a death, and our teams feel well supported, that’s the importance of doing this work. We’re not doing it to tick box something from a regulatory standpoint. We’re doing this for our people.”

— Claudia Wyss, Director Customer and community Services | Auckland Council

Contact us today to find out how we can deliver a similar impact to your organization.

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