CPR, AED, and First Aid Training
Valid, Defensible, Effective
HSI has a valid, defensible and effective quality assurance system specifically designed to monitor and improve the performance of its approved Training Centers and authorized instructors. We conduct random quality assurance reviews of our Training Centers. We resolve complaints against Training Centers and instructors in a fair, reasonable, consistent and timely manner. Our Training Center Standards are revised regularly and published in the HSI Training Center Administrative Manual (TCAM). As transparency is important in matters of health and safety training, the TCAM is freely available to anyone with an interest in our quality assurance and improvement practices - including regulatory authorities, occupational licensing boards, national and international organizations, professional associations, educational accreditors and class participants.
To view the most recent version of the TCAM click the link below.
Download the TCAM
Student Digital Certification Card Validation

Validation is only available for the digital certification cards of updated versions of HSI training programs released after January 1st, 2022.
Validate a CardRegistry Status Database

As part of our commitment to quality assurance, HSI maintains an online registry status database of approved Training Centers and authorized instructors. Using this search tool, regulators, employers, prospective customers and students can easily verify the approval and authorization status of HSI Training Centers and instructors. To search the Registry, click the link below.
Check the RegistrySubmit a Complaint

A complaint is a written allegation that a Training Center Director or an Authorized Instructor or Instructor Trainer has committed a dishonest, unethical, or unprofessional, act or violated an applicable law, rule or regulation. We will not act on anonymous or verbal complaints. HSI staff will not take or discuss complaints over the telephone. To submit a written complaint, click the link below.
Submit a ComplaintRate Your Program

We encourage individuals who have participated in an HSI class to spend a few minutes providing feedback directly to HSI through the Rate Your Program course evaluation. To reward excellence and to strengthen future training efforts, we share both your praise and criticism directly with the Training Center and instructor who taught your class. To Rate Your Program, click the link below.
Rate Your Program