New Manager Training Topics
New Manager Training Topics
Support your newly promoted managers with training courses from HSI. How do you go from being a coworker to being a supervisor? Consider training on topics like effective delegation, giving feedback, analyzing employee performance, learning to coach, and more. Check out our training topics for first-time managers below.

New Manager Training Courses
Being promoted to your first management position is an exciting opportunity during your career. But on the flipside, it can be intimidating and overwhelming without proper training in place. Our training courses for first-time managers can help fill that gap with lessons on delegation, coaching, finding your management style, understanding different personality types of your team, analyzing employee performance, and much more.

Some of Our New Manager Training Topics:
- Analyzing Employee Performance: Can-do, Will-do: Introduction
- Analyzing Employee Performance: Can-do, Will-do: Actions
- Analyzing Employee Performance: Can-do, Will-do: Questions and Tips
- Coaching Skills: Introduction
- Coaching Skills: Rookie
- Coaching Skills: Contributor
- Coaching Skills: Key Player
- Coaching Skills: Captain
- Coaching Skills: The Coaching Conversation
- Concerned Conversations
- Cross-Cultural Considerations
- DISC Leading Skills: Leading a High D
- DISC Leading Skills: Leading a High I
- DISC Leading Skills: Leading a High S
- DISC Leading Skills: Leading a High C
- Fighting For Your Team
- Giving Feedback
- Going from Co-worker to Boss
- Helping Your Employees Find Purpose
- Leadership of a Diverse Group
- LGBTQ in the Workplace
- Managing for Engagement: Engagement Matters
- Managing for Engagement: Measuring Employee Engagement
- Managing for Engagement: Creating Engagement
- Managing for Engagement: Creating an Engaged Organization
- Microaggressions
- Neurodiversity
- People First
- Retaining Your Best People
- Six Wrong Ways to Manage
- Successful Delegation
- Tokenism
- Unconscious Bias
- What It Takes to Manage
- Your Management Style