Fire Prevention for Natural Gas, Oil, and Derivatives

Most workplaces have procedures and controls to prevent fires, but fire safety needs special attention on oil and gas sites. The average oil and gas site has a variety of fire hazards, such as:
- Flammable vapors from oil, gas, and their byproducts
- Naturally occurring gases (benzene, methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc.)
- Triethylene glycol
- Mineral spirits and other cleaning chemicals
- Compressors, heater treaters, and other oil and gas producing equipment
- Electrical equipment
- Hot work
- Dry grass, brush, or vegetation
Because a fire can start whenever a heat source, a fuel source, and oxygen are present, workers must be able to prevent fires from ever starting. They also must know what to do if a fire does start on their site.
Flammable Materials
Flammable materials should be stored and used in a way that prevents exposure to ignition sources. Small containers of flammable materials should only be stored in fire-proof cabinets. Approved storage cabinets for flammable liquids and other materials should be labeled “FLAMMABLE, KEEP FIRE AWAY.” Larger quantities of flammable materials should be stored in separate tanks or in a separate building on the site, away from ignition sources.

Any materials that could fuel a fire, such as wood, paper, or cloth, must be kept away from ignition sources and flammable materials. Workers should:
- Transport all flammable materials in approved containers
- Use the least flammable material for the job
- Only use as much as is needed to complete the job.
When dispensing flammable liquids into portable metal containers, workers should make sure the original container is grounded and the portable container is bonded to the source container. If a tank or source container has a bonding cable for portable containers, workers need to use it every time they fill a portable container.
Finally, any rags used to clean equipment on a rig site may be coated in flammable materials and should be disposed of in an approved, fire-proof disposal container until they can be cleaned or removed from the site.
Keeping your rig site clean and organized not only reduces the risk of fire on your site, it also makes it easier to evacuate if a fire does occur.
- All walkways, exits, foot paths, and vehicle paths should be kept clear of equipment and debris.
- Workers should remove anything that blocks exits, alarms, or other emergency equipment.
- All lighting and emergency equipment must be in good working order. Damaged equipment or bunt-out light bulbs should be repaired or replaced immediately.
Flame-Resistant Clothing
Because oil and gas workers are exposed to so many fire hazards, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) often requires employers to provide employees with flame-resistant clothing, or FRC.
FRC is made of materials that stop burning once the ignition source is removed and provide temporary insulation against active flames. FRC is required during operations with a flash-fire risk, such as servicing operations, production operations, or drilling in active hydrocarbon zones.
Remember, flame-resistant is not the same as fire-proof. FRC will burn while an ignition source, such as an open flame, is still present.

FRC comes in a variety of types and protection ratings. FRC worn to protect against flash fires is often not rated to protect against sustained hazard conditions, such as when fighting active petroleum fires. Some FRC also provides protection against electrical hazards or arc flashes. OSHA requires all FRC meet guidelines set by the National Fire Protection Association.
Workers’ FRC should include a long-sleeved outer layer and long pants. This clothing should be the outermost layer worn unless they are also wearing a chemical apron or other protective covering. Any hard hats or other headgear should also be FRC-rated. Workers should only wear natural materials such as cotton or wool under their FRC, since nontreated polyester and other synthetic materials can melt to their skin in a fire.
FRC often has special requirements for maintenance, cleaning, and repair. Failing to follow procedures can cause the material to lose its fire protection rating. Damaged FRC must be replaced immediately.
Emergency Action Plan
Your site should have a written emergency action plan that lists what on-site workers should do during fires, severe weather, chemical releases, and other emergencies. The plan will be unique to your work site and include:
- On-site alarms
- What each alarm means
- What workers should do when they hear each alarm
- Evacuation procedures from all areas of the site
- How to report fires or other emergencies
- Which employees will have special responsibilities during an emergency

Only specially trained employees should attempt to fight fires, but any employee may need to be trained to use an extinguisher to clear an escape route. The steps for using a fire extinguisher can be remembered by the acronym: PASS. (How can we incorporate graphic at end? And make it look better?)
Fires on oil and gas sites can get out of hand before workers realize it. It’s important for everyone working on the site to know what precautions to take to prevent fires and what to do to keep themselves safe if a fire does break out.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) has standards and recommended practices that any company in the oil and gas industry can implement and follow. HSI also offers fire prevention courses to help workers recognize how to prevent and react to fires on their site.
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