The Costs of Not Training Employees

Saving Money by Spending Money on Employee Training
Training your employees costs money. But what are the costs you incur when you don't train them?
If you need help making the business case for training your employees, check out our ebook on “The Costs of Not Training.” What are the biggest losses that come with not training?
Think about the costs to shut down your business to provide racial bias training after a public incident goes viral. Or the costs for OSHA penalties for willful and repeat safety violations. How much could one cybersecurity breach cost your organization?
Use the research in our ebook to make your case to senior management. Show them how a lack of effective training could cost them dearly. Our ebook explores the top eight areas where the lack of training costs the most.
In this eBook, you will learn:
- Why finding the losses that come from not training is a better metric than ROI from training
- What topics, when neglected in training, can cost the most for your company
- What the most costly area to neglect training is
Research shows that training has a clear ROI, but that information often fails to reach executives.
Instead of finding an ROI on training dollars, it may be more useful to find the biggest losses that come from not investing in training employees.
With robust training that helps bolster employees' skills, prevent accidents and harassment in the workplace, and build a strong culture of compliance, you can save your company millions of dollars a year.