Understanding the ROI of Online Safety Training

Understanding the ROI of Online Safety Training

Safety professionals often ask us how online safety training can save them money. In other words, they want to know the return on investment (ROI). So we’re answering a few of the most common ROI questions we get here at HSI, to give you a better understanding of how online safety training can benefit your organization.

Q: Can HSI’s online training help reduce my insurance premiums?

A: Yes. HSI training can help your organization lower insurance premiums by reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Because insurance premiums are directly related to insurance claims, effective safety training programs can help increase safety awareness in the workforce, and reduce the number of accidents resulting in claims for high-risk work environments.

We can’t say exactly how your particular insurance company would adjust your premiums based on our training, but many insurance companies and risk pools, like Liberty Mutual, do use our courses to train their workforce.

Customers have qualified for discounts after moving to safety training online with HSI.

Q: What sort of ROI should I expect?

A: The traditional expenses associated with safety training, including time out of production, travel, instructor fees, and administrative overhead, are usually reduced after moving to online training. These savings will depend on the size of the safety training program: the larger the workforce, the larger the training program, the harder it is to manage, the higher the risk and liability.

Generally, the less time your workforce spends off of the job in training sessions, the higher the productivity of that workforce.

HSI training may reduce the rate of time-loss injuries, and the number of workers’ compensation claims, but those are results that cannot be calculated prior to program implementation.

The return on investment is different for each organization, yet through added efficiency our customers realize savings. That’s why over 90% of our customers train with HSI year after year.

HSI offers a smarter, faster training experience, for a safer, more productive workforce.

Q: How do I get my organization to support the move to online training?

A: Having an open conversation about the cost of your training program, areas of inefficiency, and room for improvement can help you build a business case for moving to online training. We will help you launch your online training program, and help you with internal marketing to drive adoption, then engagement.

You might check out one of our case studies that demonstrate return on investment and lend additional credibility.

Ask us to connect you with a customer and hear what they have to say about our safety training solutions—we’re happy to do that.

Q: What separates HSI from the competition?

A: Our mission is to help save lives in high-risk work environments. We take it seriously and want to help safety and training professionals improve the safety culture of the workforce they’re responsible for.

We’re not shy about discussing return on investment (ROI), sharing customer success stories, or lending our expertise to help solve your workforce training challenges.

And, we truly believe we have the best training content, and people, in the industry.


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