2023 Women in Safety Survey Report
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In many industries, gender diversity in the safety workplace has been and continues to be a challenge. While women make up 47% of the American workforce, they account for less than 30% of the safety profession. To improve workplace health and safety products and practices, accurate representation of the people we are trying to protect is important. And within the profession itself, the key to getting more women interested in safety is to understand the working climate and identify areas of opportunity to make positive changes.

This survey was conducted in late summer 2023 and almost 900 people responded. The goal was to get a pulse on the real challenges and experiences of women working in safety. The responses we received highlighted positive experiences, negative experiences, and a few stories that were difficult to read. But all responses revealed very honest, open, and thoughtful survey takers.

This report includes survey questions and responses, analysis, and recommendations for action items that the reader can take into the workplace.

Special thanks for our group of female safety professionals who brought this survey to life and presented this topic at NSC Safety Congress and Expo:

Jill James, MIS, Chief Safety Officer

Laynnea Myles, CSP, MS, ASP, Assistant VP of EHS

Monique Parker, CSP, Sr. VP of EHS

To access the NSC 2023 presentation deck (Advocacy, Allies, and Resilience for Female EHS Professionals), suggested reading, and additional information on this topic visit the 2023 Women in Safety Survey webpage.

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