Closing the Skills Gap and Building a Foundation for Long-Term Success With Training

Closing the Skills Gap and Building a Foundation for Long-Term Success With Training
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As the skills gap increases, organizations need to think creatively about how to hire workers. Instead of looking for someone with specific skills to fill a specific role in their industry, organizations should look to hire workers with relevant skillsets and aptitude regardless of industry experience. Closing the skills gap is imperative for companies because the gap leaves well-paying jobs open and employers scrambling. It’s also an essential step in achieving economic growth and reducing income inequality.

This white paper outlines quantifiable ways training helps organizations close this skills gap while providing additional benefits. It discusses how:

Competition for talent among industrial employers will only become more intense in the future. Effective training programs are a critical tool to recruit, retain, and provide the necessary skills for both employees and employers to flourish in the future.

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