How to Calculate a Safety Budget That Gets Approved

How to Calculate a Safety Budget That Gets Approved
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Many organizations do not include workplace health and safety as a line item in their budget despite the importance of it. This leaves the EHS professional scraping together funds from other departments or trying to achieve safety goals without sufficient financial support.

EHS professionals often find that creating a departmental budget is one of the toughest parts of their job and an area they are left to figure out on their own, without training or support. If you find yourself in that very situation, wishing you had a budget, needing to put one together to justify necessary costs, and unsure where to start, this eBook is for you.

We’ll give you practical advice and step-by-step instructions to create a budget that management will approve. It covers the following:

Check out the companion resource Safety Budget Worksheet for a template to help you create your budget, including categories, sample items, and calculations.

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