How to Investigate a Workplace Accident: Beyond the Blame Game

How to Investigate a Workplace Accident: Beyond the Blame Game
Download this white paper

Unfortunately, accident investigations can take the path of least resistance, with the goal being to complete it quickly and move on. This can result in the victim being blamed for reckless behavior and in non-fatal cases, the recommended resolution is more training for the victim.

A better approach involves investigators taking a step back, viewing the entire incident and looking for contributing factors. Many incidents are not simple, having multiple causes that need to be mitigated if future accidents are to be avoided.

This white paper uses a real world, recent occupational fatality investigation to help you transform the way you conduct workplace accident investigations. It covers the following:

  1. Accident investigation team members and preparation
  2. Critical pieces of an effective investigation
  3. How to conduct a fair and empathetic investigation
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