What Safety Training Do You Need? Mapping Training to OSHA Regulations

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The question we get asked most often is “What safety training do I need?”

The OSHA manuals are dense, regulations are difficult to understand, and matching your workplace hazards to training is tricky. And, Federal OSHA regulations apply to every state, even if you live in a state with a specific OSHA state plan.

Who has time to read ALL the OSHA regulations? Wouldn’t it be nice if someone did this and could get you started quickly?

Guess what? We’ve done it for you!

Join HSI Chief Safety Officer and former state OSHA inspector Jill James as she shows you how to dig into OSHA regulations and understand them and where to find training mandates, including frequency of training. She’ll walk you through HSI’s OSHA Safety Training Assessment tool so you can identify the minimum safety and health training your workplace needs.

Click here to download the OSHA Safety Training Assessment webinar presentation and useful links.

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