Qualified Electric Worker FAQ

Qualified Electric Worker

We hear a lot of questions from people about how they make sure their QEW training protects their workers and ensures compliance with the OSHA standards. Here are the commonly asked ones.

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Qualified Electric Worker

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I certify someone as a QEW?

There isn’t a formal QEW certification process. Instead, you need to understand the tasks your worker is performing and know which ones fall under the OSHA requirements. The two OSHA standards (1910.269 and 1910.332) spell out the tasks and conditions which must be performed by a QEW.

Since tasks are unique to each organization, each training program is unique. Once you’ve identified the relevant tasks, then you can determine what training is needed. You’ll also need to determine how your workers can demonstrate their skill and knowledge when they complete the training.

How do I decide who needs to be a QEW?

Familiarize yourself with the tasks and conditions outlined in the OSHA standards (1910.269 and 1910.332). Then, review the functions your workers perform and determine which ones fall under the standards.

How do I know if the work needs to be done by a QEW?

The first step is to analyze all tasks your workers perform. Those that should be performed by a QEW as identified by the OSHA standards 1910.269 and 1910.332 are the ones you need to focus on. You should look at the important equipment they operate or work on and identify the electrical hazards associated with that equipment.

Next, you need to determine how your workers can demonstrate skill and knowledge for those tasks. Once you’ve completed that process, you can identify the training that will provide any gaps in their skills and knowledge.

How do I know if OSHA will accept my program?

If you’ve determined the tasks your workers perform, established a method to determine skills and knowledge, identified training to fill those gaps, and documented everything, your program should be OSHA compliant.

The important thing to remember is you can’t rely on an out-of-the-box training program. Your program needs to be customized to the tasks your workers perform.

What is the difference between OSHA 1910.269 and 1910.332?

1910.332 applies to all employees who face a risk of electric shock and not specific to any industry. 1910.269 provides additional requirements for “the operation and maintenance of electric power generation, control, transformation, transmission, and distribution lines and equipment.” It applies to “generation, transmission, and distribution installations of electric utilities” as well as “equivalent installations of industrial establishments.”

We’ve summarized both standards for you – 1910.269 and 1910.332

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