OSHA 10 and 30 Hour Training
OSHA 10 & 30 Training FAQs
Need support for HSI's OSHA 10 & 30 online training courses? Check out the FAQs below as the first step. Most common questions and concerns are addressed below. There are also helpful tips, ideas on how to solve the items that may require troubleshooting, and how to get support. Know that HSI's support team is only one step away to help set you on the right path to getting your OSHA 10 or 30 certification.

Frequently Asked Questions
Helpful Tips
- Each lesson has a minimum time spent and the next lesson will not open until time spent has been met in the previous lesson.
- If you cannot access your quiz at the end of the lesson check your remaining time at the bottom of each section. A red clock under Status means you have not met the minimum time and you will need to review sections until the time is met. A green check mark indicates time spent has been met.
- Study Guide are no longer available, all course documents (Topics, Syllabus, Glossary) are available for download within the first section of training or can be accessed by clicking the bottom left corner in the training window and selecting Resources.
- Training must be taken in order.
- The OSHA daily timer resets at midnight CST.
- Please ensure that you have a strong internet connection and ALWAYS logout of your training window when you are not actively training.
- Course progress is automatically tracked, and the system will save your progress.
- You must properly log out of your training each day. Do not lock your computer with your training open or allow your browser to remain open in the background or your timer will continue to run.
- Sessions time out after 15 minutes of inactivity.
- The training program is designed to ensure you meet all required time. If you complete all required topics and exams under the minimum time you will need to review previous topics.
- OSHA allows students 3 attempts to pass any quiz or final exam by 70% or more
- OSHA allows students 180 days to complete the course once they start it
- OSHA only allows students to train for 7.5 hours per 24-hour period
Once a student successfully completes the course, final exam and the course survey, plan on receiving your card in 4-6 weeks from the date of completion. The cards are produced by OSHA upon verification of completion and sent via standard mail.
If your card is being sent to your workplace please add, Care Of: (insert employer name) to the address line to help insure delivery. We are not responsible for undelivered, incorrectly addressed cards.
Once you have successfully completed the course, final exam and the course survey, your certificate is available from your dashboard to print or download.
If a student fails a lesson three times or lets their course expire, they are presented a onetime use Course Reset button. Selecting this button will reset your course and allow you to start over from the beginning. If you fail three times again or allow your course to expire again, then you will need to purchase another course.
If you move to a different address, or if you had your work address as the verified address and you change jobs, it is your responsibility to update your mailing address as soon as possible. To change your mailing address for your OSHA card, call HSI at 800-447-3177; select #1, then #2 when prompted by the system. We are not responsible for undelivered, incorrectly addressed cards.
If you have not received your OSHA training card, the first step is to verify your mailing address via a phone call into HSI. A replacement card can be sent IF:
- It has been 45 days or more since the shipment date of the original card.
- A $50 replacement card fee has been paid. This covers the OSHA fees and includes expedited shipping, including a tracking number.
- Request must be made within 5 years of original course completion.
OSHA allows students to request one reissued card, within 5 years of completing the course. There will be a $50.00 charge and you must provide a current address that FedEx can deliver to. A signature will be required for delivery.
The final exam is 30 questions, and they are drawn randomly from the final lesson quizzes. There is a heavy emphasis on the Mandatory OSHA classes.
Per OSHA Training the student can only train for 7.5 hours per 24-hour period.
Please check each of the following if you cannot proceed:
- Each lesson has a minimum time spent. The next lesson will not open until time spent has been met in the previous lesson.
- If you cannot access your exam at the end of the lesson check your remaining time at the bottom of the screen. A red clock, under Status means you have not met the minimum time and you will need to review previous sections until the time is met. A green check mark indicates time spent has been met.
- Did you complete all lesson activities? You will need to select all items in the activity. Please read the material carefully.
Make sure you are completely logged out of the course and your browser is closed. The Daily timer resets at midnight Central time. Let the system reset and you will be able to move forward in the course.
You must review the lessons you failed and then the retake will enable. The sections that you need to review will no longer have a green check mark next to them. Once you review the section the green check mark will appear, and you may move on. We recommend you take notes.
Most of the time if a course is not playing, it is an issue with your specific web browser or computer. Try each of these first. Each browser is slightly different, so you will need to find out how to do each of these in your specific browser, but most often, all of these are found within "Settings" of the specific browser.
- Clear your cache and cookies.
- Launch training in a different web browser.
- Allow pop ups.
Here is a document that will help you with checking your browser settings: HSI Browser Settings Help Doc
If you have questions about the course content, need assistance to better understand the course matter, or need clarification before taking a quiz you can call our support line (800-447-3177) Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm EST, and request to speak with an Authorized OSHA Trainer. We recommend that if you fail a quiz two times you call in to speak to an OSHA Trainer before your third attempt.
If you are receiving this notice, and you have purchased this course on your own please submit a ticket or give us a call right away. If you company has assigned this training to you, please reach out to your internal training admin to have them contact us to purchase more credits.
If you are getting a notice to register again, please stop and do not continue through the registration process. Please email customercare@hsi.com or call 800-447-3177.
Please check out status page to see if HSI is experiencing any issues. Our status page can be found at https://status.hsiplatform.com.
If there are no known issues, please refer to our general troubleshooting steps or email customercare@hsi.com or call 800-447-3177.
1. Ensure you are using an updated web browser, such as:
-Google Chrome
-Microsoft Edge
We highly recommend you use the latest version of your browser. Windows 10 users get automatic updates for most browsers.
2. Clear Cache and Cookies: There are many browser options to choose from. Please see steps specific to your browser. If you need assistance with cache and cookies email, customercare@hsi.com, and let us know what browser you are using, and we can provide detailed steps.
3. Allow Pop-ups: If you need assistance with allowing pop-ups, email customercare@hsi.com, let us know what browser you are using, and we can provide detailed steps.
4. Try another browser or device if necessary: Please check to see if you need to update your browser or device.
5. Ensure there are no lingering web browser windows open in the background: Check your task manager to ensure the web browser isn't staying open. Leave the browser closed for at least a minute to clear all background processes before restarting.
6. Try an Incognito/Private window: Sometimes incognito/private browsing windows work better.
7. Restart your computer.
8. Check your IT settings: If you are on a work network please check with your IT or Network person to see if an upgrade would be allowed. We can provide a list of all IP addresses we use for courses.
If these options do not help, please contact us at 800-447-3177 from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Monday-Friday, Eastern time. (Please use option 1, then 2 for OSHA 10/30 questions.)
FAQs provided by
Summit Training Source, An HSI Company.