HSI February 2023 Newsletter

Your monthly digest of EHS, Compliance, and Professional Development resources & news for you and your business, with something for everyone.
Webinar this week!
Join us Thursday 2/16 at 9am PT/12pm ET to learn about EHS Essentials: an out-of-the-box solution to safety management. Getting started with an EHS platform doesn’t have to be difficult, time-consuming or expensive.
Have you posted your OSHA summary yet?
It’s required to be posted publicly for employees to view from February 1st to April 30th every year. If you still need to do this, here is some helpful information and links to resources.
HSI at Industry Events!
If you are attending these industry events, be sure to visit HSI in the expo. We would love to meet you in person!
- PowerGen: Feb 21-23, Orlando, FL.
- We just got word our own Jill James will be presenting at ASSP in June on the topic of ESG and the future of the EHS professional. We’re so excited, congrats Jill! (more info as we get closer to the event).
Product Updates
Learning Management System Update
Self-registration is now available on the HSI LMS. This will add a “self-registration” hyperlink to the home page of the LMS and members can register themselves into the LMS and set up their own account. The new member will be added to a “self-registration” group in the LMS, receive their login credentials via email and can start using training without an administrator having to intervene. Contact your CSM to enable.
New Course Releases
Our monthly employee development course release includes new courses and updates on topics such as: Training Needs Assessments, Curriculum Design, Recruiting and Hiring, Successful Employee Onboarding, and Talent Development.
We’ve also released three new Industrial Skills courses in the 700 series (Process Systems and Operations)
- 701-06 Operator Qualifications in Refining
- 701-07 Maintenance Requirements in Petroleum Refining
- 701-08 Predictive and Reactive Maintenance
CASE STUDY: How HSI Helped This Caribbean Utility Company Develop Certified Operators
A mid-size Caribbean utility was facing multiple challenges. They knew training was key to resolving their issues, but weren’t sure how to move forward. Find out how HSI implemented this plan and how the utility’s employee performance improved.
WEBINAR: The Future of Performance Reviews
Often dreaded by leaders and their employees, traditional performance reviews focus on holding people accountable for the past. In the new world of work, top companies are reimagining the performance conversation by enabling a growth mindset in their people, providing actionable support to prepare employees for effectively receiving feedback, and focusing on the future. Check out the webcast recording The Future of Performance Reviews: Building a Feedback-Rich Culture to Inspire People Growth.
Guess the Movie Quote Answer
Thanks for playing along!
Quote: “I say, fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head, and you listen to your heart.”
Answer: Meet Joe Black (1998), Character: William Parrish played by Sir Anthony Hopkins