October is Sudden Cardiac Awareness Month

October is Sudden Cardiac Awareness Month

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, observed each October, focuses on spreading knowledge about sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) — a medical emergency where the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. Sudden cardiac arrest affects hundreds of thousands of Americans each year, many of whom do not survive without immediate medical attention. This awareness month offers an opportunity to educate the public about sudden cardiac arrest and the immediate action that can be taken to save a life.

What is sudden cardiac arrest?

Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the normal electrical impulses in the heart malfunction, causing the heart to stop beating properly. This might include beating too quickly, inefficiently, or in an unsynchronized manner.

Unlike a heart attack, which results from blocked blood flow to the heart, SCA is an electrical issue that inhibits the heart’s ability to pump blood through the body due to inadequate or absent heartbeat. When this happens, the brain and other vital organs are deprived of oxygen, and death can occur within minutes if no intervention takes place.

How common is sudden cardiac arrest?

Cardiac arrest is among the leading causes of death in the United States and worldwide. It can happen to anyone, at any time with little to no warning. Here are some daunting statistics:

The survival rate for sudden cardiac arrest is grim without immediate intervention. However, early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) can more than double a SCA victim’s chance of survival.

Sudden cardiac arrest: Adult vs. children

Sudden cardiac arrest can occur in people of all ages. However, there are some significant differences to be aware of when it comes to cardiac arrest in young people.

SCA in adults

Sometimes the cause of sudden cardiac arrest is unknown. But for most adults, underlying conditions — such as coronary heart disease — can be linked to cardiac arrest events. Therefore, following a heart-healthy lifestyle can help lower the risk for SCA, heart disease, and other heart problems in adults.

SCA in children and infants

One of the many myths about sudden cardiac arrest is that it only happens to “old people”. While uncommon, sudden cardiac arrest can and does occur in children of all ages.

Sudden cardiac arrest can occur in children with known congenital heart disease, structural heart abnormalities, or abnormal heart rhythms – as well as those with undiagnosed cardiac conditions. Additionally, sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in young athletes, whether from an underlying condition or blunt trauma.

Fortunately, most children have healthy hearts. Therefore, cardiac arrest in children is most commonly a result of asphyxia, leading to what is known as a secondary cardiac arrest because the heart stops secondary to a lack of oxygen – not from a problem with the heart itself.

Causes of secondary cardiac arrest include:

Immediate CPR and defibrillation are just as important for children as they are for adults in the event of sudden cardiac arrest. This is why having access to AEDs in schools, playgrounds, pools, and sports facilities is critical.

How we can improve outcomes for SCA victims

One of the scariest aspects of sudden cardiac arrest is that it often strikes without warning. When an SCA emergency happens, a bystander is often on the scene before emergency medical services can arrive. SCA victims have the best chance of survival if the people around them are ready and willing to respond.

Training bystanders in CPR and AED

SCA victims need CPR and defibrillation from an AED within minutes to increase the chances of survival. One of the best ways to improve outcomes is bystander intervention.

Studies have shown that when bystanders quickly administer high-quality CPR and use an AED, survival rates can more than double.

However, many people hesitate to step in during an emergency, fearing they might cause harm or lack the skills to help. Fortunately, CPR and AED training is now widely available, and the techniques are simple enough for anyone to learn.

Learning CPR and how to use an AED can make anyone a potential lifesaver. CPR training teaches people how to perform chest compressions and rescue breaths effectively, while AED training focuses on using the device to restore a normal heart rhythm.

Making AEDs accessible

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are portable devices designed to be used by laypeople with no medical training — making them a lifesaving asset to have in workplaces, schools, shopping malls, sports venues, and other public places where people gather.

AEDs analyze a victim’s heart rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electric shock to restart the heart. They vary by model and manufacturer, but all AEDs operate in a similar manner with voice prompts and step-by-step instructions that make them intuitive to use.

Having AEDs readily available can dramatically increase the chances of survival for those experiencing SCA in public settings.

Be the change you want to see

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month serves as a critical reminder that quick action can save lives. Sudden cardiac arrest strikes without warning, affecting people of all ages and walks of life. By raising awareness of sudden cardiac arrest and learning lifesaving skills like CPR and AED use, we can help reduce the devastating impact of this medical emergency.

Whether in schools, workplaces, or public spaces in the community, having accessible AEDs and trained bystanders is key to improving survival rates. This October, take the time to learn CPR, familiarize yourself with AEDs, and encourage others to do the same — because you never know when you might be called upon to save a life.

Find a CPR class in your local area with an Authorized HSI Instructor. Or consider making a difference in your workplace and community by becoming a CPR Instructor to teach lifesaving skills.

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