New York City Harassment Prevention & Respectful Workplace Training Requirements

New York City Harassment Prevention & Respectful Workplace Training Requirements

Did you know everyone who works for an organization with 5 or more employees by New York City law must have state-specific harassment prevention training every year? And employees must be trained within 1 year of hire and/or promotion.

HSI is your single-source provider for not only HR compliance and harassment prevention training but state-specific harassment prevention online courses, such as for New York City.

Some states, like New York City, and even some cities, have their own unique set of specific training requirements. We can do the heavy lifting, so you do not need to bother with the ever-changing laws, such as who needs to take what courses and how often. HSI can help you set up best practices and are with you all the way from the initial training and on.

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New York City Harassment Prevention & Respectful Workplace Training Curriculum

Meet New York City harassment prevention training requirements for all employees who do not have supervisory duties. Review all our course titles for our New York City harassment prevention training below:

  • Overview: Harassment Prevention & Respectful Workplace
  • Harassment Prevention & Respectful Workplace
  • The Manager’s Role in Harassment Prevention & Respectful Workplace
  • Prevention & Intervention: The Bystander's Role in Harassment Prevention
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NYC Harassment Course

Take the Next Step: Culture Change with Harassment Prevention Training

Our Harassment Prevention Learning Pathway covers building awareness, with courses such as How to Recognize Bullying at Work and Making Civility a Standard Practice. Application courses include courses such as Ethics @ Work Creating a Speak-Up Culture. And, finally, after the series of courses to help build awareness and show how the learning is applied, we have courses for learners to expand their knowledge. For example, the lesson Feeling 1,000 Papercuts: Unintentional Consequences in Conversation helps learners recognize microaggressions and what to do if they’ve inadvertently perpetrated them. We also provide supplemental learning materials to help employees put learning into action with Leadership Briefs and job aids that offer practical tips for how to promote healthy behaviors and identify and intervene during abusive conduct.

More than Just Harassment Prevention Training for New York City

HSI has more than 5,000 training courses in our library, including additional courses for New York City. We have hundreds of OSHA safety and compliance courses, industrial skills training for utilities, electrical workers and manufacturing, and a vast soft skills library.

NYC Harassment Collage

Looking For State-Specific Training Requirements for Other Areas of the United States?

Explore the course lists for our state-specific harassment prevention training video-based courses: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, New York State, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.

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State Specific Harassment Options

HR Compliance and Harassment Prevention Training for All States

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recommends that employers, in all states, provide training to all employees to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities. See HSI for all your HR Compliance needs. In addition, check out our HSI course library for training topics such as harassment.

Studies show that when organizations offer training and continuous learning opportunities, employees are more satisfied, leading to higher retention rates. This, in turn, reduces hiring costs and minimizes the financial impact of employee turnover, ultimately benefiting the ROI. On-going compliance training helps to build a healthy culture of respect and inclusion.

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